Suggested Pick Up & Drop Off Locations For Class 4, 5 and 7 Students
We can Pick Up & Drop Off students at their homes but, to give our Class 4 Restricted, Class 5 and Class 7 students maximum instruction time in the kinds of traffic conditions they will face on their Road Tests, we also suggest students taking lessons in Duncan and the Cowichan Valley consider these Pick Up & Drop Off locations:
Duncan & the Cowichan Valley
Tim Horton’s Parking Lot, 166 Trunk Road, Duncan
Lee’s Chicken Parking Lot, 166 Trunk Road, Duncan
The Tom Horton’s and Lee’s Chicken locations at 166 Trunk Road are adjacent to each other and are centrally located near downtown Duncan and the Trans Canada Highway so we can spend the maximum amount of lesson time in the kinds of traffic conditions and scenarios which students will best learn from and which students will face on their Road Tests.
Cowichan Community Centre / Vancouver Island Regional Library – Cowichan, 2687 James Street, Duncan, B.C.
The parking lot of the Cowichan Community Center / Vancouver Island Regional Library – Cowichan branch, 2687 James Street, Duncan is centrally located near downtown Duncan, Vancouver Island University (VIU )and the Cowichan Secondary School (Cow High). Our students from Cow High and VIU typically meet us here.
Here is a map showing the location of the Cowichan Community Centre / Vancouver Island Regional Library – Cowichan, 2687 James Street, Duncan, B.C.
Also see our Suggested Pick Up & Drop Off Locations in Ladysmith and Nanaimo.
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