Angle parking is used in many British Columbia towns and cities. We try to avoid using it because it requires backing out the parking stall and we teach avoiding backing up whenever possible. You may have to use angle parking stalls if there is no other parking available but we recommend avoiding angle parking if it is possible to do so.
Angle parking in British Columbia typically does not allow a driver to back into the stall. We teach backing into parking stalls because it is far safer to back into a parking stall and drive out rather than drive in to a parking stall and back out.

Some jurisdictions are developing angle parking which allows “reverse angle parking” which allows backing into angled parking stalls.
Here is a video on angle parking from our upcoming Graduated Licensing Program:
Here is a video on “reverse angle parking” from the City of Winnipeg.
Here is a video on “reverse angle parking” from the Indianapolis Department of Public Works.
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