Construction zones on British Columbia roads and highways are typically marked with Orange and Black signs. Pylons and other road markers in Constructions Zones can be Orange and Black or Orange and White.

These pylons and road markers often display flashing orange lights. The photos below show a typical roadway construction zone in British Columbia.

Speed Signs In Highway Construction Zones
British Columbia highway construction zones typically display temporary Regulatory signs for speed limits within the Highway Construction Zone. Typical examples are shown below:

The end of the Highway Construction Zone will display a sign indicating the end of the construction zone. As shown in the photo below these signs may simply say “Thank You. Resume Speed” After passing these sign, drivers can resume the regular speed limits.

Motor Vehicle Act Requirements in Highway Construction Zones
In British Columbia the primary traffic laws about Construction Zones are contained in sections 138,139, 140, 141, 142 and 143 of the Motor Vehicle Act.
Work in progress
138 On a highway where new construction, reconstruction, widening, repair, marking or other work is being carried out, traffic control devices must be erected indicating that persons or equipment are working on the highway.
Erection of speed sign
139 On a highway where new construction, reconstruction, widening, repair, marking or other work is being carried out, traffic control devices must be erected to limit the rate of speed of vehicles or to restrict the manner in which the vehicles are to proceed on the highway.
Obedience to speed signs
140 Where traffic control devices as indicated in section 138 or 139 are erected or placed on the highway, a person must not drive or operate a vehicle at a greater rate of speed than, or in a manner different from, that indicated on the signs.
Obeying flagger
141 If a flagger is controlling the movements of traffic around the section of highway being worked on, a person must not drive or operate a vehicle other than as directed by the flagger.
Removal of temporary sign
142 A person must not leave temporary traffic control devices in place on a highway after the reason for them being there no longer exists.
Newly painted lines
143 A person must not drive on or over a newly painted line or marking on a highway when the line is indicated by a traffic control device.
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